412 Application 5

Class 412 was very enlighting. I started out wanting to be a super hero. However, change does not occur until people think for themselves and do their own research. All I can do is show the path to the research. I can be there to have conversations about their research and let each person find their own path to understanding. I strongly believe bullying needs to be treated like a war. 19,000 children dying is sad. Grownups with personality issues and with health issues because of words thrown at them.
I want to thank my classmates; we had great conversations through blog and email. I personally could have done without the blogging and just had discussion boards. My classmates are all so encouraging and I learned many things. I think mostly I took away from my classmates was endurance. Many of us are graduating this term, we work, we have families and lives yet we kept at it. I think that is a difference with online education, we work systematically and saved the toughest course for the end where we can use all of our acquired knowledge.

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
This is so true after a course like this. I want people to change, but it is more about evolving. I did not wake up and want a law to put cameras on a school bus. This came with knowledge and research. Others have to gain that knowledge also. As I read the posts by classmates, I wanted to gain knowledge about their causes and learn more about their advocacy efforts. I feel like this was a good year for me. I turned 45 and will walk the stage to graduate; years ago, I did not even think I would live to 45. Years ago I did not think anyone cared about what I had to say. However, with education I have changed how I speak and share my information. Thank you classmates of 412! Good luck with your continued advocacy may you continue to evolve and grow.


One thought on “412 Application 5

  1. karanplayer says:

    Its was great reading your blog. I really found your quotes inspirational. As educators I find a connection from blogging that can continue long after our classes end. Hearing different view points from other students and professionals help us grow as individuals and advocates for children and families in which we serve. It also gives us the opportunity to help support other causes that are important to others. Thank you again for your blog!

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