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412 Application 5

Class 412 was very enlighting. I started out wanting to be a super hero. However, change does not occur until people think for themselves and do their own research. All I can do is show the path to the research. I can be there to have conversations about their research and let each person find their own path to understanding. I strongly believe bullying needs to be treated like a war. 19,000 children dying is sad. Grownups with personality issues and with health issues because of words thrown at them.
I want to thank my classmates; we had great conversations through blog and email. I personally could have done without the blogging and just had discussion boards. My classmates are all so encouraging and I learned many things. I think mostly I took away from my classmates was endurance. Many of us are graduating this term, we work, we have families and lives yet we kept at it. I think that is a difference with online education, we work systematically and saved the toughest course for the end where we can use all of our acquired knowledge.

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
This is so true after a course like this. I want people to change, but it is more about evolving. I did not wake up and want a law to put cameras on a school bus. This came with knowledge and research. Others have to gain that knowledge also. As I read the posts by classmates, I wanted to gain knowledge about their causes and learn more about their advocacy efforts. I feel like this was a good year for me. I turned 45 and will walk the stage to graduate; years ago, I did not even think I would live to 45. Years ago I did not think anyone cared about what I had to say. However, with education I have changed how I speak and share my information. Thank you classmates of 412! Good luck with your continued advocacy may you continue to evolve and grow.


412 Application 4 module

•Questions you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support
Did you invite anyone who was not a champion to see you speak?

•Resources and information you are seeking
I get that feeling that most people used PowerPoint, hoping that worked well for everyone.

•Resources and/or information you have found helpful and insightful
As I have been struggling with time to meet with all the school age workers at my day care, I have decided to use OPENSHARE with in our program. I was telling some friends in the community about my project and they want to see this also. Both work in schools and after school programs within a few blocks. So I thought if you want to share your research and plan, try the following:
• Influential people from all the parts of the community affected by your initiative (e.g., from churches and synagogues, the school system, law enforcement, etc.)
• People who are directly involved in the problem (e.g., local high school students and their parents might be involved in planning a coalition trying to reduce teen substance abuse)
• Members of grassroots organizations
• Members of the various ethnic and cultural groups in your community
• People you know who are interested in the problem or issue
• Newcomers or young people in the community who are not yet involved
You may get ideas flowing in their minds on how to broaden the scope of the project.

412 Module 3

A quote that you find inspirational regarding the role that advocacy can have in the lives of young children and their families.

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
Mahatma Gandhi 
I think by teaching children anti-bullying and how to deal with anger in a healthy way they will grow up to be healthier adults. Healthier is a physical and spiritual way.
I came across another quote years ago, I have it posted for my daughter, it is by Flavia;
  If I could sit across the porch from God, I’d thank Him for the glory of morning, and for starry skies. I’d Thank Him for the magic of a child’s soft smile, for memories, and for this wonderful feeling we call love. I’d thank Him for the hopes and dreams of this sweet life. And most of all I’d thank Him for lending me you.
For me this is a good way of looking at the children in our care at day cares and schools. They are on loan to us (teachers). Their parents entrust us with their care. We need to keep them safe. We need to teach them skills that build them socially and emotionally.
 Then, post responses to the following:
    • What inspires and excites you most about your advocacy plan and being an advocate?

My students in school age day care inspire me to be an advocate.  Accomplishing the advocacy plan is what excites me, the creation and the inception.

    • What challenges and/or anxieties do you feel related to engaging in the advocacy efforts you have targeted?

Understand terms and definitions and applying these terms has been challenging.

    • What do you believe will be most effective in helping you overcome any challenging emotions you may be feeling with regard to presenting and implementing your Advocacy Action Plan?

Time and a younger brain will help me overcome my feeling toward my Advocacy Action Plan.

    • How can you encourage others in their advocacy efforts, and how can others encourage you?

I don’t know what I can do to encourage others. Though it is easier to encourage others than dragging yourself through the muck of my own work.


This is a tough project. I am exhausted and stressed.

Michael McDoungh

Michael McDoungh

Michael is why we need bill
Bill #HB3872 Passed in Illinois.
He lives with autism and was bullied my a bus aide. He would not have suffered so long if there was recoding equipment on buses.

Bill #HB3872

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
Revolution by the Beatles.

You say you got a real solution Well, you know We’d all love to see the plan. REVOLUTION Lyrics by the Beatles. I found this during Module 1. of 412.

I am working on a plan. I think it is a real solution. Lets stop bullying behavior.

You say you got a real so…


Yeah! The second part of Internship is starting. I am looking forward to an interesting couple of weeks.


Blog Five

I am excited that this class is over. I just felt like I was floundering so much. I gained alot of encouragement from reading other blogs and  discussion boards. Reading these made me feel less alone. Writing long essays are expected in college but that does not make the process easier. Often as I was reading and making notes, I lamented that I should have done college years ago when I was young and single. Not old and working full time. My friend is working on her second Masters, she kept reminding me that the long papers will be more frequent in a Masters program and the process is not broken down like it was in the class. So I am grateful to the process and having completed.

           I took solice in knowing that during this time others, were also sick, others also were confused, others struggled with finding time to complete the process. Thank you for sharing your struggles in discussion boards and blogs. Thank you to the professor in helping me chose a topic that I could wrangle in to a workable topic.

See you around the cyber-campus,

Rita Barth



Module 4 Blog

Whom you observed and interacted with in your setting during this module

I have spoken to teachers and parents at daycare and at Schubert School this week.

Any special learning experiences you may have had or an experience that provided you with insight about children and families including advocacy efforts

I have been digging through paperwork and binders at my work place and looking into community partnerships to help assist us in the day care. I realized we are falling short and missing some great opportunities to reach out to our community and bring in extra volunteers in the classrooms. Some things I have learned from studying bulling is that it is often a cycle. I am on after school teacher with 18 kids. They all need attention and when their needs are not met the students lash out at each other. I found out that across the street is a senior group. They did not know we were here and we did not know about them. I mentioned to some at the group they are more than welcome to take a background check form, get a TB test and spend some time with the children in the afternoons. I was sadden we aren’t doing more to help our parents with workshops and information on bullying. I was able to talk about what I am looking into at our monthly staff meeting. Our CEO asked that I provide information about workshops for teachers to give at an upcoming in-service.

At least two insights gained from your observations of, and interactions and experiences with, children’s families regarding advocacy efforts and needs related to your area of interest within the field of early childhood.

One insight from a teacher is that bullies tend to be children who have been left back. The child is mad that he/she got left back and now there are all these kids who are probably smarter than he/she and the bully reacts. I haven’t had time to find some research to back it up. But that sounds probable.

I went to the Local School Council meeting and realized that there are policies in place at the school but parents don’t use them. The principal says that most bullying gets unreported.

I also talked a lot to my children this month. I know that I have to bullies in class that we are all working with. However, last night I realized I may have a third. I talked to her mom, and I know she bite someone a few weeks ago, I thought it was a random one-time thing, but there are some other things happening. I actually have to go in to work at 7:30 this morning to catch this mom again on her way to work to talk to her.

A third crazy insight in to bullying is the adult bullies.  My co-workers and I have talked about this for months but our new director is a bully and all this reading I have been doing this module made me take a stand against her this week. I am usually very easy going, I don’t get upset but I stopped this week and told her “I don’t like the way you treat me, my children in day care and you make me embarrassed to work here” It was tough, she told me I needed to do as I was told and remember she is the boss.  My job I told her is to advocate for my children and I will not sit here while she destroys the work we have done for the last few years. I know this battle has just begun. I hope some courage dust flew over some of my co-workers to stand up to her also. She points fingers in our faces, laughs when we have a concern. It has been tough. There have been other little things were we just shake our head.

I had a great talk with one of the parents in the daycare. Her child has been struggling in group play, he either wants to be the boss or he wont play. The mom said the teacher at his school told her the same thing, he tries to control the play time or he wont play. I asked her how she felt and she said it is hard. We talked for a while, he is the baby. there is an 11 year age gap. I suggested talking to the school counselor, I also told her that her at daycare I renforce the “I” statements the children where taught at school. The children practicing telling the bully, I don’t like when you call me a name. I feel sad when you push me. I told I would continue to make notes at daycare, and she would check in each Friday.