Blog Five

I am excited that this class is over. I just felt like I was floundering so much. I gained alot of encouragement from reading other blogs and  discussion boards. Reading these made me feel less alone. Writing long essays are expected in college but that does not make the process easier. Often as I was reading and making notes, I lamented that I should have done college years ago when I was young and single. Not old and working full time. My friend is working on her second Masters, she kept reminding me that the long papers will be more frequent in a Masters program and the process is not broken down like it was in the class. So I am grateful to the process and having completed.

           I took solice in knowing that during this time others, were also sick, others also were confused, others struggled with finding time to complete the process. Thank you for sharing your struggles in discussion boards and blogs. Thank you to the professor in helping me chose a topic that I could wrangle in to a workable topic.

See you around the cyber-campus,

Rita Barth



5 thoughts on “Blog Five

  1. Rita,

    I agree that this class was challenging. However, I also think that this class provided me a wonderful learning experience to challenge many aspects about who I am personally and professionally. For example, I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the need for advocacy and the importance of advocating for young children. Thank you for your support as a colleague in our journey towards a common goal. Good luck in 412 and as you continue on your professional journey!


  2. Stacy Hardin says:


    You have done a great job this quarter in getting prepared to advocate for young children who are being bullied and for those children who do the bullying. One thing that needs to be addressed is that the children who are doing the bullying are learning that behavior from somewhere. Many times it is from their own homes. We need to educate children and parents that certain behaviors and impatient responses, etc., is what cause children to become frustrated and taken that frustration out on others. It is unfortunate that in your work environment, you are exposed to an authority figure that is a bully as well. That should not be tolerated and I am glad that you are trying to stand up to her – not only for yourself, but for the children in your care. When those children see that adult being disrespectful, it teaches them that adults in their school setting are not respectful, so why should they be? Children learn what they live – whether it is a home or at school.

    Continue to take a stand. You can doing anything just as long as you are respectful and dignified in doing it. You will teach others how to be assertive and stand up to those bullies. You may even prevent a child from becoming a bully themselves.

    Good luck! You will do just fine in EDU 412. I will see you in that class very soon.

    Best, Stacy Hardin

  3. Gerry says:

    I have never much paid attention to bullying, until you decided that would be your area of concern. I think I just figured it was a problem with older children, but now realize it has to start somewhere. Teaching young children is a big responsibility, and I thank you for making me understand this is another area we must be aware of and work to prevent.
    A few months ago I was told about a book and program called “Fill Your Bucket” ( The children do seem to be getting the idea that their behavior affects both how they feel and how others feel.
    This weeks Time Magazine had an article on bullying, and part of it was about the young man who shot schoolmates in Ohio having been bullied (March 12, 2012). I look forward to seeing your continued work on this necessary and timely topic.
    Enjoy our semester break. We need to try to rest, relax and recreate so we can come back and complete this important work we have just begun.

    • ritabarth says:

      As I did the research, I read about so many children committing suicide due to being bullied. I just thought how horrible to be 9 years old, and so depressed that you have to hang yourself.
      The idea for this came from the prof. I have been supporting my friend who is trying to get a bill passed that all buses, have security cameras for the safety of the children. My friend’s son was bullied by a bus aide. He is verbal, but many kids who ride that same bus are not verbal. I can they tell their mom they need help if there no way to ask for help. I will be looking in to that program, thanks.

  4. Kathleen Outlaw says:

    Hi Rita,
    I am also very excited that this semester is coming to a close! I have had a tough time managing everything on my plate this semester with school and work. Although it has been a tough journey I do feel that I learned a lot from this class. All of the posts that I have read have helped me to see what areas in my own teaching I need to focus more on.
    Thank you for your honesty and opinions this semester. I can really tell that your topic is something that you are passionate about. I always have felt that the more passionate you are about what you are doing the more successful you will be at your job. Good luck in your efforts in helping your friend out! Good luck with the rest of your time here too!

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